My Rules for the 100 Baby Challenge

Before Kira can start her motherhood adventure, I have made my own moderations of the Baby Challenge Rules. This awesome idea was brought to the Sims 3 Community by Peaceluverr, and you can find her rules at I got this blogging idea from Harmonysims who started her Sims journey way before mine! You can check out her 100 Baby Challenge story at I am writing this blog as Kira. It will be from
her point of view with her emotions mixed in (just
so everyone understands). Happy Simming! :)
  • Kira (the mother Sim) is going after men with wide variety of skin, hair, and eye colors.
  • All baby Sims have to be from different fathers (with the exception of twins/triplets).
  • I will not be using any cheats unless in dire situations.
  • Kira will have the Fertility Treatment.
  • I will not have any hired help besides repair Sims until Kira's handiness skills increase to an acceptable level.
  • Babysitters are only to be used when Kira is going to the hospital or she is going "Stir Crazy."
  • Kira will not have a job. She will make her money from selling fruits and vegetables from her garden, writing, art, and playing guitar. She will live on the Epic Lifespan.
  • Kira cannot marry until she has 100+ children.
  • Toddlers must learn how to walk and talk before aging up (forced with birthday cakes) and children and teens must have at least a B in school before being forced to age up.
  • Teenagers will not have part-time jobs and will move out once they become young adults.