From the Start; Kira Teagan Jones

Meet Kira Jones: Mother of 100 Future Sim Babies!
Family-Oriented (to love her children more than anything), Flirty (to impress the fathers), Loner (so she doesn't go Stir Crazy as often), Natural Cook (impressive mom, impressive meals!), and Neat (clean enviornment for her babies). She's up to the challenge!
Looking stunning in her Everyday Outfit.
Formal Clothes.
Having 100 kids may not allow Kira to wear this outfit very often!
Sleepwear. A well rested mother makes good for her children!
Athletic Clothes. Its always good to keep in shape!
Swimwear. Hopefully she stays this thin after 100 babies.

Moving in. Kira acquired a small fortune from her recently
deceased husband, Mr. Jones (death by mummy attack on honeymoon)
and used that money to buy a new home for her and soon
be children. Kira isn't grieving too much, Mr. Jones never
liked kids. :)